Celebrating 60 years of the PCC.
Periodical Mail Update
Please join the PCC Advisory Education Programming Sub-Committee on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 2 PM ET as they host a discussion on periodical mail. Guest speakers will be Chuck Tricamo, HQ USPS, Manager, Pricing and Classification Service Center and Steve Smith, a Publishing, Logistics, and Postal Expert who is the President of Base 60 Consulting.
Chuck will cover eligible content of Periodicals with any new changes, eligible subscribers and requesters, along with the requalification exceptions during COVID. Steve will speak about the palletization opportunities, Industry updates, and opportunities for Periodicals to move faster. Periodicals serve a role in the education and entertainment of society. Each page represents the richness of opportunity to inform and assist the general public, members, students, educators, and the next generation.
To join us please use the dial-in information below.
Note: you do NOT need a Zoom account to join the meeting.
The preferred choice is to Join with Computer Audio. If you use Zoom Call Me, please click the dropdown from the Call ME tab to select INT EXT for the best results.
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone one-tap:
US: +15033361236,,1616233915# or +1952-229-5070,,1616233915#
Meeting URL: https://usps.zoomgov.com/j/1616233915?pwd=elJSSkVSQXRrblFzeWhnY0tnQWtuUT09
Meeting ID: 161 623 3915
Password: 814861
Join by Telephone
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
US: +1 503 336 1236 or +1 952-229-5070 or +1 650-581-7094 or +1 855-860-4313 or +1 678 317 3330
Meeting ID: 161 623 3915
Password: 814861
We look forward to your participation and encourage you to share your comments, concerns, and feedback during the session. Any questions regarding this Zoom session should be directed to Cathy Scocco at: [email protected]
Thank you.
**Disclaimer – The USPS version of Zoom is certified under the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRamp), a government-wide program that provides a standardized security assessment, authorization and continuous monitoring of products and services like Zoom.
Industry Engagement and Outreach, Marketing
Please visit us on the USPS PostalPro website.
Thank you for your support of the United States Postal Service.
-Industry Engagement & Outreach/USPS Marketing
To subscribe or unsubscribe to PCC Alerts, please hit reply and send us your request. Or mail your request to:
Attn: Industry Engagement & Outreach
475 L’Enfant Plaza, rm 4411
Washington DC 20260
Privacy Notice: For information regarding our privacy policies, visit www.usps.com/privacypolicy.
Periodical Mail Update
Please join the PCC Advisory Education Programming Sub-Committee on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 2 PM ET as they host a discussion on periodical mail. Guest speakers will be Chuck Tricamo, HQ USPS, Manager, Pricing and Classification Service Center and Steve Smith, a Publishing, Logistics, and Postal Expert who is the President of Base 60 Consulting.
Chuck will cover eligible content of Periodicals with any new changes, eligible subscribers and requesters, along with the requalification exceptions during COVID. Steve will speak about the palletization opportunities, Industry updates, and opportunities for Periodicals to move faster. Periodicals serve a role in the education and entertainment of society. Each page represents the richness of opportunity to inform and assist the general public, members, students, educators, and the next generation.
To join us please use the dial-in information below.
Note: you do NOT need a Zoom account to join the meeting.
The preferred choice is to Join with Computer Audio. If you use Zoom Call Me, please click the dropdown from the Call ME tab to select INT EXT for the best results.
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone one-tap:
US: +15033361236,,1616233915# or +1952-229-5070,,1616233915#
Meeting URL: https://usps.zoomgov.com/j/1616233915?pwd=elJSSkVSQXRrblFzeWhnY0tnQWtuUT09
Meeting ID: 161 623 3915
Password: 814861
Join by Telephone
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
US: +1 503 336 1236 or +1 952-229-5070 or +1 650-581-7094 or +1 855-860-4313 or +1 678 317 3330
Meeting ID: 161 623 3915
Password: 814861
We look forward to your participation and encourage you to share your comments, concerns, and feedback during the session. Any questions regarding this Zoom session should be directed to Cathy Scocco at: [email protected]
Thank you.
**Disclaimer – The USPS version of Zoom is certified under the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRamp), a government-wide program that provides a standardized security assessment, authorization and continuous monitoring of products and services like Zoom.
Industry Engagement and Outreach, Marketing
Please visit us on the USPS PostalPro website.
Thank you for your support of the United States Postal Service.
-Industry Engagement & Outreach/USPS Marketing
To subscribe or unsubscribe to PCC Alerts, please hit reply and send us your request. Or mail your request to:
Attn: Industry Engagement & Outreach
475 L’Enfant Plaza, rm 4411
Washington DC 20260
Privacy Notice: For information regarding our privacy policies, visit www.usps.com/privacypolicy.
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